Child and Youth Serious Injury or Death - Mandatory Reporting

Our website provides an initial overview of child and youth serious injury or death provisions of the PEI Child and Youth Advocate Act.

Please reference the Act itself for full understanding of the Child and Youth Advocate's authority. 

Child and Youth Serious Injury or Death

Mandatory Reporting 

The reasons for this are:

  • to identify systemic issues arising from a review of the child or youth’s circumstances; 
  • to identify potential enhancements to practice or resources that could benefit children and youth who receive reviewable services in the future, not to find fault; 
  • to make recommendations to improve systems that serve children and youth; and 
  • where possible, to make recommendations about how to prevent child and youth serious injuries and deaths in the future

We ask that you contact our Office directly: 902-368-5630 or at

For more detailed information please reference Sections 22 - 29 of the PEI Child and Youth Advocate Act


Child and Youth Serious Injury and Death Classification

Details of Child and Youth Serious Injury and Death Classifications for mandatory reporting are available here.

Investigation Principles

Details of our Investigation Principles: Respect, Integrity, Collaboration, Balance are available here.